Business plan 2021-2022


Shared digital Systems

Strengthening community identity

Building cultural and intellectual capital


Shared systems for effective delivery of national collections and programs.

Collections that reach and reflect the full diversity of our population.

A strong evidence base for the library sector, and trusted voice in national policy.

Major projects

Completion of major enhancement program for National edeposit service (NED). Transition to continuing improvement program with new governance arrangements. Collaboration with legal deposit teams in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Workshop series on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections management and community engagement.

Audit of contemporary Indigenous collections in four NSLA libraries (stage two of larger project, with focus on original collections).

Establishment of NSLA as an incorporated association, and relocation of NSLA office to Canberra alongside other national peak bodies.

Development of new strategic plan for NSLA to incorporate Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the National Library of New Zealand.

Ongoing commitments

Participation in Digital Preservation Coalition.

Shared approaches to visitor experience and learning programs.

Shared standards for preservation and access to digital collections.

eResources Consortium for NSLA libraries.

Strategic review of collaborative web archiving.

Indigenous cultural capability audit (annual).

Evaluation of Culturally Safe Libraries Program and transition to individual library initiatives.

Shared expertise in collection care.

Shared approaches to online programs and community engagement.

Shared approaches to improved workforce diversity and cultural diversity in collections.


Contribution to AMLA, ALACC, NELLC and collaboration with universities and library sector organisations including ALIA, APLA, CAUL, GLAM Peak, LIANZA and Te Rōpū Whakahau.

Workforce data and analysis. Collation and publication of public library statistics.

Public presentations, articles, social media and NSLA website.

New and reviewed NSLA policies and guidelines.

Professional staff networks

Visitor Experience, Storage, Digital Preservation, Learning, Oral History

Chief Information Officers

NED Steering Group, NED Operational Group

NSLA Blakforce (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff network)

Conservation, Community Engagement

Heads of Collections, Collecting Taskforce

Culturally Safe Libraries Program Steering Group

Heads of Corporate Services


Various working groups for in-kind contribution to Australian Research Council-funded projects