About NSLA

National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) is the peak body for the national, state and territory libraries of Australia and New Zealand.

Through collaboration, we deliver better collections, solutions and customer experiences than each library can do individually. We also contribute to more informed public policy, and share our knowledge and expertise to increase the professional capability of our staff and to build a workforce for the future.

NSLA's program is managed and supported by the Executive Officer, Dr Barbara Lemon; Senior Adviser, Research & Policy, Janice van de Velde; and Program Coordinator, Aimee Said, based at State Library Victoria. The office reports to the Chair for 2020-21, Dr Marie-Louise Ayres, and to the CEOs of NSLA libraries.

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NSLA annual statistics 2020-2021

(Combined data from the nine Australian NSLA libraries)

In the 2020-21 financial year:

  • nearly 6.6 million people visited our library buildings
  • 63.4 million visits were made to our websites, including Trove
  • 11.6 million visits were made to library catalogues
  • more than 407,000 research enquiries were answered by our librarians
  • 5453 terabytes of digital collections were stored
  • 689 linear kilometres of physical collections were stored
  • $21.5 million was spent on collections
  • our collections were valued at $3.8 billion.